Skill Level: Int- Adv
Pre- requisite: Must be 13 by Jan 1, 2019
Skills acquired (Hardware/ Software):
- Programming logic
- Alexa Skill Development
- Python
Soft Skills Acquired:
- Product design
- Critical Thinking
- Problem Solving
- Creativity
- Logical Mindset
- Design thinking
- Project planning
Real Time Application: Software Engineering, Software Design, UX Design
Course Description:
Whether you want to make a Smart home alexa app, or you want to just make a skill to play music Alexa can do it all.
The future of innovation in technology is about combining emerging tech such as AI, intelligent automation and conversational interfaces.
Learn how to create IoT based solutionsn with this interactive AI bot.
Develop user interfaces and interaction models.
The possiblities are limitless you could even monitize your new Alexa skill !
** Students will be able to take home their Amazon Echo Dot with them.
Raspberry Pi & Interactive Bots- Make and Take your Own Alexa Bot!
Dates: June 24 -28
Timings: 9am - 4pm