Skill Level: Beg- Adv
Pre- requisite: None
Skills acquired (Hardware/ Software) :
- Coding
- Minecraft
Soft Skills Acquired:
- Creativity
- Problem Solving
- Storyboarding
- Visuospatial reasoning
Real-time Application: Software Programming, Game Design, Civil Engineering
Course Description:
Perfect camp for Minecraft Lovers.. Learn to play , learn while playing all in one!
Learn to craft and brew redstone, create redstone nuclear reactors.
Incorporate power and transmitter connections in just about anything. Tramit power to create mechanism components- The possibilities are limitless!
Minecraft encourages creativity and problem solving in kids.
Minecraft Redstone circuitry - Automate your world!
Dates: July 24 - 28
Timings: 1pm - 4pm