Skill Level: Beg- Adv
Pre- requisite: None
Skills acquired (Hardware/ Software) :
- Coding
- Logic
- Conditions
Soft Skills Acquired:
- Creativity
- Problem Solving
- Storyboarding
Real Time Applications: Software Engineering, Game Design
Course Details:
“Don’t just play the game –Program it!” It's simple, it's fun, It's 3D!!
Create your own video game while exploring the foundations of coding using Microsoft Kodu.
Helps kids create their own immersive 3D games using a user-friendly visual programming interface. Students will design unique game worlds, control
characters, and learn key coding concepts as they build interactive experiences.
Note: For those seeking a full-day camp experience, please ensure to select both the morning and afternoon sessions. Thank you
Coding with Microsoft Kodu- Visual 3D Game Design
Please refer to FAQ for details.